What Does Our Name Mean?

Christadelphians are from all different walks of life. We are bound by a common belief that Jesus is coming back to this earth to set up God’s Kingdom bringing peace to a world full of trouble.

The name ‘Christadelphian’ simply means brethren in Christ and was taken from Colossians chapter 1 verse 2: ‘To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.’ As the New Testament was originally written in the Greek language, the word for Christ is ‘Christos’ and the word for brethren is ‘adelphos’, so when you put the two together they form ‘Christadelphian’.

We are a lay community with no paid ministers, pastors or priests. Instead, we think it is important for us to read the Bible for ourselves and this how we encourage people to learn about the Gospel message.

This video provides a short introduction to the Christadelphian community.